Relationships are a vital part of our lives. Research has shown that having social connections are important for both mental and physical health. Being in healthy relationships has a positive effect on all areas of our lives.  

Some of the signs of healthy relationships are having better health, engaging and sustaining healthy habits, and lesser risk of mental health disorders. 

However, healthy relationship characteristics are not the same for everyone since all of us have different needs. At the same time, the frequency of those needs may vary from time to time. 

Nevertheless, some key components indicate a healthy relationship. Let’s find out what healthy relationships look like. 

What are the qualities of healthy relationships? 

It is important to remember that a ‘perfect relationship’ is a myth. Every relationship has a mixture of both unhealthy and healthy traits. What makes a relationship last or have more green flags than red is the ability to recognize the unhealthy bits and work on overcoming them together. 


One of the signs of a healthy relationship is trust. Trust is not only the key element of a romantic relationship but in every other relationship in your life. 

The way you trust your current partner is based on and influenced by the relationships you had early on in your life. Your previous relationships act as a template for your future relationships. 

For instance, if your past relationships were rocky, and filled with insecurities, and distrust, you will have some ‘trust issues based on the experience that you had and project them to your new relationships. 

In this case, it is better to work through your trust issues by communicating openly about them in your current or future relationship. 

On the other hand, if you felt safe, secure, and stable with your previous partners and could trust them then you will project this expectation to your future relationships.

The feeling of trust is also born from how you and your partner treat one another. When you are with someone who is dependable, treats you well, and has your back no matter what, you know you can trust them. 

A relationship without trust makes it hard for partners to be emotionally intimate because there is always the fear of getting hurt. This also creates uncertainty in the relationship as you doubt your partner’s actions toward you. 

Trust doesn’t happen in a day or a week. You build it gradually by giving the space to your partner to be vulnerable and vice versa. As the relationship grows along with trust, it transforms into a source of great comfort and security. 

Honesty and Communication

Another sign of a healthy relationship is able to be your genuine self and not having to hide parts of yourself around your partner. If you find yourself constantly changing yourself to impress or please them then you need to have an honest conversation with your partner about how you truly feel. 

Being honest and vulnerable with your partner creates a stronger bond in the relationship. It also builds more trust. Your relationship should be a haven for you, where you can healthily communicate about uncomfortable things. 

This doesn’t mean you have to share everything about yourself or expect them to do the same. Everyone is entitled to their privacy. However, knowing you can share your feelings and thoughts with your partner without judgment is a characteristic of a healthy relationship. 

Both of you might have different needs in the relationship. So, it is important to find a middle ground where you can compromise without having to disrespect each other’s boundaries. 

Having boundaries doesn’t mean you are hiding something. It means you each have your own expectations and needs. Healthy relationships boundaries allow you to have a life outside of your relationship such as having the freedom to hang out with friends and maintaining your privacy. 

In an unhealthy relationship, boundaries are often disrespected when partners feel the need to know every detail about your life and restrict you from enjoying activities without them. 


A sure sign of being in a healthy relationship is knowing that when you are stressed about work or life, or going through a health crisis, your partner is the rock you can rely on. 

Now, this doesn’t mean that you use your partner as a punching bag and dump all your frustrations on them. Absolutely not. 

But stress, worries, and sorrows are part of being a human. When two people are in a healthy, loving, and stable relationship, they are patient with one another through these moments.  

Being patient with your partner while they go through the stressful moments in life allows them to relax in the relationship and trust that they can come to you for peace and support.  


I mean, this goes without saying that love- healthy love, is a part of any romantic and committed relationship. Being affectionate or intimate with your partner not just physically but emotionally will make them feel secure in the relationship. 

Every couple has their own way of showing affection to each other. Small expressions of love, such as a kiss, hugs, or getting each other flowers are things that can go a long way to make your partner feel loved and seen. 


In a healthy relationship, you and your partner have the chance to grow and evolve individually and as a couple. Feeling stuck and not being able to progress hampers the relationship in various ways. 

It is unhealthy and even wrong to expect a couple to remain the same people they were when they first got into the relationship. Individually and as a couple you are bound to experience a change in your interests and goals. And this doesn’t mean you have to end the relationship. 

Giving each other the room to grow by not holding them in a fixed persona creates a more loving and long-lasting relationship. It is vital that you support each other by taking an interest in their views and what’s important to them. 

Bottom Line

Even if you are in a healthy relationship, it is still necessary to have those conversations with your partner to know where they are at mentally and emotionally. In this way, you can both work together to create a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship. 


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